
                    I’ve never been much of a writer. If I were, most of my articles in the summer would be bashing Arsene Wenger. Not because he sold the only left-back with experience we had, not because he allowed a certain player to leave because he’s addicted to money and no, not because he sold our captain (the best by far in his position if stats are anything to go by) at half his market value to a club that has been a pain in our side for far too long. No, I would’ve asked, nay, demanded to know why a war chest worth millions of pounds is allowed to rot away while the fans are fed with junks. Every year, the fans are treated to the ‘news’ of how much kitty is in the war bag. Then the transfer seasons come and go year after year after year without any real quality signing. This has gone on for far too long that its almost like Arsenal doesn’t have a transfer period in its calendar.

                     Then the 8-2 game happened! And we all know what happened next! Wenger flew all over Europe trying to lure players to a team that just allowed 8 goals to slip through them in one match and he had three days left to do that. The fans have been asking for a signing all summer, and the summer before that, and the summer before that, and the summer before that, and the summer before that! Now does it really have to  take a HUMILIATING beating, by a club that somehow always taste bitter in my mouth,  to deflate a big ego (some call it stubbornness, I prefer ego!)?? Granted he still managed to find four good players but why were they not bought in the summer when the team would have the time to gel. There probably won’t be an 8-2 if the players we bought AFTER the game were playing IN that match.

                      That leaves me to the question that I really want to ask. If Wenger really is the egoist that I think him to be, then why is he breaking all his principles?  The Board has always maintained that there’s money but has never really forced Wenger to buy. Why? Why would Wenger preach against huge spendings and then do exactly that? Kinda makes a guy think that Wenger’s the scapegoat and money has never really been handed to his hand. What thinks you?

P.s: Personally, guilty until proven innocent still works for me :p

1 thought on “WENGER: THE ENIGMA – Mazualtea

  1. me thinks along these lines too. And what of the wage limit et al? I’ve come to believe that the board is to blame, and not Wenger, for turning the beautiful game of football, and a great club, into a financial institution. Good write-up!

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